
Moving from finance to fintech : What you need to know

By November 2, 2020 No Comments

We are living in the 21st century where things change like seasons! The financial sector has evolved rapidly over a decade (thanks to technology) software, as well as cloud-based technology, revolutionize the way the industry operates. 

Before moving ahead let us know what Fintech really is 

Basically financial technology, aka “Fintech”, is a unique combination aiming for the traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services.

It is one of the emerging industries that promotes technology to improve activities in finance specifically. The use of smartphones for mobile banking, investing service & even for the cryptocurrency are a few examples of such technologies.

Wondering how can you shift without much effort?

Here are the few steps which you must keep in your mind:

Recognize your transferable skills

Just like any other job in the market which demands certain skills that are also transferable across multiple disciplines, moving from finance to Fintech is also similar. 

The 1st step in order to do that is to look at the skills you developed in a couple of years which are needed by Fintech firms.

 Although it might be true that coding, data analysis is like the bread & butter of Fintech, nonetheless there is still a need for more traditional skills in order to survive in this industry.

Understand thy expectations

Now since you know the skills which you can actually offer, it is crucial to analyze landscapes to see what practical prospects with them really are. 

For example, choosing between a role where you can work on a particular task all day long or working on more generalist role for business are 2 different things.

Having the skills for former won’t have any kind of shortage of jobs, except for the fact that you might be competing against some of the top programmers out there. 

On the other hand, opting for latter & also getting involved with a Fintech start-up is a great way to bring fresh insight into the business.

Know how to sell yourself

Once you get a good understanding of what your goals are & also what you can provide, you can combine them accordingly. 

Plenty of the Fintech companies would jump at the opportunity to hire a financial professional with loads of experience & qualifications, irrespective of their technical knowledge. 

Network and retrain

Whenever it comes to switching jobs or industries getting help from others is always favorable. You must have got a large network of colleagues, clients, industry friends that you’ve built up over the years, use them. Look for folks who have made a similar switch and succeeded. In case Fintech hasn’t affected your career already, it soon will. 


Moving to a new place is a tough task and requires lots of guts for it. But when you know what your destiny is and how you are going to reach there, nothing seems to feel like a hindrance.

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